Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Survey

I know I haven't blogged in a while. To get back in the swing of things I did this Christmas survey from Amanda at Amanda Unbidden  I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays!

Favorite Christmas Movie? My husband LOVES Christmas movies. My two favorite to watch with him are Elf or Christmas Vacation. I also love watching White Christmas

Favorite Christmas Song? White Christmas 

Favorite Christmas Tradition? Making Christmas cookies with my mom and sisters

Do you celebrate on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Both. We go to my husband's grandpa's house and my mom's house on Christmas Eve. Then we go back to my mom's house Christmas Day (for  just my mom, her boyfriend, and all the kids and grandkid) and we also do something we my husband's parents, his siblings, and all the kids on Christmas day. 

What's the best Christmas present you've ever received? Technically she was a present for my husband, but probably our dog Angel. I appreciate the time together most of all, so there isn't any presents that stick out. I have enjoyed many of my present though. 

What's the worst Christmas present you've ever received? I'm not going to put that here haha. 

Fake tree or real? Real. It smells so wonderful.

 Open presents on Christmas Eve or wait until Christmas Day? Mostly Christmas day.

Leave Christmas Shopping to Nov/Dec or do throughout the year? I wish I did it throughout the year. Most of the time it doesn't work out. That's a good goal for next year!

And some fitness/healthy living questions:

Workout on Christmas Eve/Christmas or take the days off? Probably days off. Maybe workout Christmas Eve.

Stick to healthy eating or go all out and make up for it on January 1?  Half way in between? I try to stick to a plan, but that does include indulging a bit. 


  1. Yay you did the survey! I'm just now seeing this so sorry for my late response. :) I don't think I've ever seen White Christmas. I should definitely check it out. Hope you had a nice Christmas! :)

  2. It's an older movie but a good one :-). I hope you had a nice Christmas too!
